I would have finished my essay if I had started writing it earlier. -
Mary will send me a postcard if she goes to Thailand. -
I would not have bought this bag if my mum had not lent me money. -
She would have worked in the centre if she had gotten that job. -
I would have called her if I had her phone number. -
I would love to go to the concert if I didn't have to work. -
I would go to Frank Sinatra's concert if he was still alive. -
She would have gone to the dancing class if she hadn't broken her leg. -
If she had studied Spanish well in the university, she would have gotten this job. -
If I were you, I would talk to him. -
He would have given you his car if you had asked him. -
If she lived in Los Angeles, she would go to the beach every day. -
If I go to the bar, I will not go to the gym tomorrow. -
If she played the piano, she would take part in the concert. -
My mum will go to Italy if she quits her job. -
If he is cold, she will close the window. -
If he was an artist, he would draw beautiful portraits. -
I would have tried that dessert if I hadn't been on a diet. -
If she gets the grant, she will go to Cambridge. -
If we go to London, we will visit the Tower. -