Someone took a picture of Tom while he was sitting on a bench. -
Where was your cousin born? -
My mother was cooking for five hours on Sunday. -
Just as Ted was finishing his homework, he remembered another exercise he had to do. -
Paula was running when the storm started. -
Who was Alessia talking to when you saw her? -
Emma called me when I was sitting on the train. -
I was reading when the doorbell rang. -
I met Elisa when I was going to work. -
The town was changing quickly. -
I was studying at the library all day yesterday. -
What were you doing at eight o'clock last night? -
When I walked into the room, they were dancing. -
Bob was waiting for me for two hours yesterday. -
Were you sleeping when everything happened? -
Were they studying at this time yesterday? -
Why was Lucy smoking at the party? -
Maddie came back at midnight. -
I broke my leg when I was skiing. -
Lisa was studying when Joe called her. -