Under no circumstances should you call your boss. -
Here comes the teacher! -
I hate cats, and so does my mum. -
The girl didn't speak, and neither did I. -
On no account may the Queen be rude. -
Seldom was the child so quiet. -
There goes another love song. -
I expect so. -
Not a word did I hear from her since she moved. -
My mum likes spicy food, and so do I. -
Here comes the President! -
Call you later. -
No sooner did she open the door than her dog ran out. -
There goes the holiday. -
I don't speak Spanish but she does. -
I have won the competition before and I will do so again next year. -
I didn't like the film, and neither did he. -
Hardly had she recovered from her disease before she fell ill again. -
I would never go diving and she would. -
Here comes the tea! -