You're the best teacher -
It's my weakest link. -
It is the largest room in our apartment. -
He's the nicest guy on the planet. -
It's one of the most common names in the world -
It's the smallest. -
You are the worst father in the world! -
You're my best client. -
It is my biggest success. -
I'm the most curious man in the world. -
It's the most beautiful room in the house. -
It's the best dish on the table. -
It's the most romantic sound in the world. -
I'm your best soldier! -
This is the most dangerous room in the house. -
He is the tallest boy in our class. -
It was the worst thing in the world. -
This is the most secure place in the world. -
A customer is the most important person in any business. -
I'm the smartest guy in the village. -