My dad has a big green German car. -
She has ugly brown English shoes. -
He dreams about an expensive wool suit. -
He doesn't like this nice small square grey metal coffee table. -
She is a nice old woman. -
There is a beautiful big palace in the park. -
She has a sweet big banana. -
There is a square wool carpet in the room. -
She has an ugly old grey coat. -
There is a great Italian restaurant in my town. -
I read his terrible new book. -
I like this wonderful big new round red wooden kitchen table. -
She is a nice young girl. -
I want to have a big wooden country house. -
My wife has a beautiful golden ring. -
She has a black long wool scarf. -
I bought nice summer shoes. -
I cooked a small fruit cake. -
He wrote a funny short story. -
I like his new blue silk shirt. -