I like your long red nails. -
She has a wonderful big balcony. -
They have a wonderful big house. -
This is a new Japanese mobile phone. -
This is an expensive grey English jacket. -
She is a nice young girl. -
My dad has a big green German car. -
It's an old long story. -
She has a fashionable jeans coat. -
I have a good British friend. -
I don't like spicy Chinese food. -
There is a square wool carpet in the room. -
Do you see that big black car? -
She is a nice old woman. -
I want to have a big wooden country house. -
My sister has long black hair. -
Mary has a beautiful new bag. -
This is an expensive glass table. -
She has a beautiful red dress. -
She doesn't like my grey wool sweater. -