I haven't been playing hockey for a long time. -
I have never had a pet. -
Jack has been decorating the house all summer. -
I have been writing emails for three hours. -
I haven't been swimming since May. -
I have lost my phone and I can't call you. -
Grandma has been cooking all day. -
Recently Josh hasn't been doing the work. -
Julie has been working on this report since eight am. -
We haven't been to Sweden yet. -
My husband has started a new painting this week. -
I haven't seen Lisa today. -
Mary and Jane have been travelling since July. -
How long have you been sitting here? -
Ann hasn't read this paper yet. -
Why has nobody taken our order yet? -
Why have we been waiting for her for forty minutes? -
I have been working here for three months. -
I have already done my homework . -
Have you been reading this paper for two hours? -