The problem will not have been solved by tomorrow. -
What will have been achieved by the end of the year? -
The apartment will have been cleaned by noon. -
Will the hall have been decorated before the performance starts? -
Will the car have been sold by next month? -
The room for you will have been booked by two o'clock. -
The dinner will have been cooked by seven pm. -
By what time will the breakfast have been served? -
The breakfast will have been served by eight am. -
The palace will have been renovated by new year. -
The stadium construction will have been finished by July. -
The invitations will have been sent by Tuesday. -
Will the job have been finished by Monday? -
The theatre will have been opened by December. -
Will a place for the party have been chosen by next week? -
The money won't have been reimbursed by tomorrow. -
The fire will not have been extinguished by noon. -
The lesson will not have been finished before you arrive. -
The book will not have been finished by next month. -
The deal will not have been closed by next week. -